HC Deb 17 May 1900 vol 83 c423
MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the complaint made by the Rev. Charles M'Faul, P.P., Chaplain to the Derry Workhouse, at the weekly meeting of the Poor Law Guardians at Derry on Saturday last, to the effect that a Roman Catholic pauper, named Martha Bradley, had been registered as a Roman Catholic, and the letters R. C. after her name on the bed card over her bed had been changed to I. C. within the few days previously; whether the attention of the master of the workhouse and the nurses had been directed to the unauthorised change; and whether he will state by whom this change of description of a pauper's religion was made, whether it has met with the approval or censure of the Irish Local Government Board, and what steps the Local Government Board propose to take in this matter.


The minutes of the proceedings of the guardians at their meeting held on Saturday last in reference to this matter were only received by the Local Government Board on Tuesday. The board have instructed their inspector to make full inquiry into the matter, and to report to them the result of his investigation.