§ Mr. ALEXANDER HARGREAVES BROWN reported from the Committee on Group D of Private Bills, That the parties promoting the Dublin Electric Lighting Bill had stated that the evidence of Mr. H. M. Swaine, Secretary to the Local Government Board, Custom House, Dublin, was essential to their case; and it having been proved that his attendance could not be procured without the intervention of the House, he had been instructed to move that the said Mr. H. M. Swaine do attend the said Committee upon Thursday, 17th May, at half-past Eleven of the clock, and produce to the Committee on the above-mentioned Bill the transcript of the Notes of Evidence taken at the recent local inquiry on the application of the Dublin Corporation for a loan in connection with the electric lighting of the City of Dublin, and the correspondence which has been received since the date of such inquiry.
§ Ordered, That Mr. H. M. Swaine do attend the Committee on Group D of Private Bills on Thursday, at half-past Eleven of the clock, and produce the said documents.