HC Deb 14 May 1900 vol 83 c28
COLONEL MILWARD (Stratford-upon-Avon)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been directed to the gift of the Warwickshire County Council—namely, £600—towards the improvement of the shooting range for the Militia, Yeomanry, and Volunteers in Warwick Old Park, and whether, if other county councils took a similar course, it would be possible to re-open many ranges that have been recently closed; and whether his attention has also been called to the statement of the chairman of the county council (Mr. J. Stratford Dugdale, Q.C.), in recommending this grant, that it is desirable that further statutory powers should be conferred upon county councils with reference to the equipment and maintenance of rifle ranges in counties.


The attention of the Secretary of State has been drawn to the generous offer of the Warwickshire County Council. Co-operation of a similar kind by county councils and other local bodies would be of the highest value for the acquisition and improvement of ranges. The question of conferring further statutory powers on county councils in the direction mentioned is under the consideration of the Government, and I hope soon to be able to make an announcement on the subject.