HC Deb 10 May 1900 vol 82 cc1258-9
MR. TENNANT (Berwickshire)

Can the First Lord of the Treasury say what will be the business next Thursday?


May I ask, at the same time, when the Shipbuilding Vote, and the Vote for the Secretary of State for War, will be taken?


We have recently discussed the salary of the Secretary of State for War, and I do not imagine that we shall be able to take either of the Votes mentioned by the Member for West Belfast before Whitsuntide. I am unwilling to pledge myself on the point, as it is important to leave open to us the opportunity of taking any Vote we choose, and I therefore do not care to say anything definite for more than a week in advance. I may say with regard to the business that the Australian Commonwealth Bill will be first Order on Monday next, and I think I shall put down as second Order a motion for taking Tuesday mornings until Whitsuntide for Government business. If that motion is carried I shall take the Second Reading of the Ecclesiastical Assessment (Scotland) Bill on Tuesday morning. On Thursday I propose to take the Report of the Railways (Prevention of Accidents) Bill as the first Order, as it will, I understand, by that time have come down from the Grand Committee. On the Friday I hope to take the Scotch Estimates.

MR. JOHN REDMOND (Waterford)

I do not know whether the right hon. Gentleman is in a position to go a little further and toll us about the following week. It would be a great convenience to the Irish Members if he were able to announce when Irish business will be taken. In addition to the Irish Estimates there are two Bills I want to know about —the Charitable Loans Bill and the Tithes Bill. Possibly the former, which requires a certain amount of discussion, could be taken in the same week as the Irish Estimates. But as to the latter, it is a contentious Bill, which will require a considerable time to discuss, and it would be more convenient if that were not taken until after Whitsuntide.


I am unwilling to give the wide pledge asked for by the hon. Member with regard to the Tithes Bill until I have had time to consider the matter. In reply to the remainder of his question I have to say that, in the week after next, Monday will be devoted to the Second Reading of the Australian Commonwealth Bill, and if that stage is passed in a single sitting—as I hope—on the Tuesday morning the Charitable Loans (Ireland) Bill will be the first Order, and Irish Supply the second Order; and Thursday and Friday of that week I propose also to devote to Irish Supply.


I will repeat my question as to the Tithes Bill two or three days hence. May I now ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland what he intends to do with regard to the two Irish Education Bills? When will they be introduced?


The Intermediate Education Bill and the Elementary Schools Bill will, I trust, prove to be non-controversial, and my intention is to introduce them under the Ten Minutes rule on Tuesday next.

MR. HALDANE (Haddingtonshire)

When will the Factory Bill be taken? Will it be before Whitsuntide?


It cannot, at any rate, be taken in the next two weeks, and I think its chances of being taken before Whitsuntide are very meagre.