HC Deb 30 March 1900 vol 81 cc803-4

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, will he explain why two assistant postmen at Liverpool, hitherto in receipt of 15s. weekly while engaged on hoist duties, have been removed in order to make room for pensioned sailors, and are now only receiving 12s. 6d. and 11s. 3d. respectively per week, although one is twenty-two and the other twenty-three years of age; and whether steps can be taken to allow the men at least an increase of wages.


The two assistant postmen referred to were temporarily employed on hoist duties only until permanent arrangements for those duties could be made. They were then returned to their former duties, but in a week's time they were employed as substitutes for postmen with wages of 18s. a week, and they are still so acting.