HC Deb 27 March 1900 vol 81 c442
MR. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the case of a capstanman at the Great Northern Goods Station, Deansgate, Manchester, who on 3rd instant was crushed when passing betwixt the buffers of two wagons, with the object of coupling them, and was so injured that he died shortly after his arrival at the hospital, and to the case of a goods porter at the Great Central Railway, Ardwick, Manchester, who attempted on the 7th instant to put the brake down on a wagon of the London and North Western Railway Company when, owing to a defective brake, he slipped and fell in front of the next wagon, receiving such injuries that he only lived a few hours after reaching the infirmary; and whether in view of the frequency of such accidents as those mentioned, he will push on with urgency his Railways (Prevention of Accidents) Bill, which will greatly tend to diminish their number.


The two unfortunate accidents referred to were duly notified to the Department, and in the latter case an inquiry will be held.