HC Deb 27 March 1900 vol 81 c428

Bill read a second time, and committed.


The Instruction which I have placed on the Paper is similar to that which has already been accepted by the House with regard to other Bills of a like character. I think it is more important than usual in the case of this Bill, the object of which is to construct tramways in various London suburbs. The promoters state that they have no objection, and I therefore hope the House will unanimously carry my Instruction.

Ordered, That it be an instruction to the Committee on the London United Tramways Bill, to consider whether it is desirable to introduce into the Bill provisions to secure cheap fares for the labouring classes, and whether amendments should be made in the clauses with this object in the original Acts of the company in respect to the number of cars run, the hours at which the cars are run, the maximum and minimum fares charged, and whether penalties should be inserted to secure the objects of the clauses.—(Mr. Lough.)