HC Deb 27 March 1900 vol 81 c455
MR. HAVELOCK WILSON (Middlesbrough)

I have received a letter from the Secretary to the Admiralty stating that he is unable to reply to the questions which appear on the Paper this day relating to foreign seamen on British transports, and asking me to postpone them until Friday. The two transport vessels, however, will sail before Friday, and I therefore propose to move the adjournment of the House in order to discuss the question as a matter of great importance. The terms of my resolution are— To move the adjournment of the House in order to discuss a definite matter of urgent public importance—namely, the employment on Government transport vessels of alien seamen, natives of countries which have shown marked hostility to Great Britain during the progress of the war in South Africa.


The reference would be too general, and I suggest to the hon. Member that he should alter the terms so as to make them apply to the two transports about to sail.


They are the steamers "Caspian" and "Sapphire."

[The hon. Member went to the Chair to alter his resolution.]


I cannot accept the motion in the form in which it is drawn. The hon. Member had better recast it, and ask leave again to-morrow.


I will put it off until Thursday.