HC Deb 27 March 1900 vol 81 c544

On the Motion for adjournment, in reply to an hon. Member who asked whether the remaining clauses of the Finance Bill would be taken on Thursday next—

MR. ANSTRUTHER (St. Andrew's Burghs)

said: Owing to the unfortunate circumstance of our not being able to complete the Committee stage of the Finance Bill to-night, it will be obvious that it must be the first Order for Thursday, in pursuance of the undertaking of the Leader of the House that this stage should be proceeded with de die in diem until completed. The other Orders of the day we hope will be taken in the same sequence as has been foreshadowed by my right hon. friend, but in his absence I am unable to say whether the Government will be able to adhere to the undertaking that the Resolution dealing with the Education Code shall be taken at a given hour, as it was hoped would have been possible if hon. Gentlemen opposite had been able to co-operate with us to-night.

MR. CHANNING (Northamptonshire, E.)

Do you intend to take the Railways (Prevention of Accidents) Bill on Thursday?



Adjourned at twenty-five minutes after Twelve of the Clock.