HC Deb 23 March 1900 vol 81 cc181-2
*SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can state the intention of Sub-section 1 of Clause 27 of the Factories and Workshops Bill, which gives power to modify the Particulars Section of the Act of 1895 in its application to textile factories.


It has been found that in the hosiery trade it is in practice impossible to observe literally the requirements of the Particulars Section, * See The Parliamentary Debates [Fourth Series], Vol. lxxv., p. 1474. and if the clause in the Factory Bill becomes law what is intended is to allow all the particulars necessary for computing wages to be exhibited by placard in each room instead of being given to the individual workmen. This arrangement has been suggested by Mr. Birtwistle, the Examiner of Particulars, and is recommended by the union representing the workmen.


Is it intended to alter the law in the cotton and woollen industries generally, or only in respect of special branches, such as hosiery, &c.?


It is intended to use the power asked for only in particular branches, for which a case is shown.