§ MR. WILLIAM JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)I beg to ask the Vice President of the Department of Agriculture for Ireland whether he has seen the scheme for the administration and management of the Ulster Agricultural and Dairy School and Henry Trust, as approved by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland on 22nd June, 1899.
* See page 492 of this volume.936 Whether its objects are to maintain or assist in maintaining an agricultural and dairy school and farm for the sons and daughters of farmers, and other persons born in the province of Ulster, for instructing them in the science and practice of agriculture, dairy farming, and all other subjects akin to these. Whether there is, from property accumulated for a number of years, a sum of above £12,000 now available to assist in starting the farm and school on fifty acres of land, near Down Patrick, which have been acquired for the purpose; and, whether, as £10,000 have been allocated by the Government to aid the Minister Agricultural School, the Irish Department of Agriculture will contribute a like sum for the Ulster Agricultural and Dairy School, in order that it may be started at once and suitable buildings erected under the auspices and subject to the approval of the Department of Agriculture for Ireland.
§ THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR IRELAND (Mr. PLUNKETT,) Dublin Co., S.The answers to the first three paragraphs in the question are in the affirmative. I cannot give the specific undertaking asked for in the fourth paragraph, but when the Agricultural and Technical Instruction Act comes into operation the Department will, in conference with the trustees, consider the advisability of supplementing the funds of the Henry trust, and carrying out the instructions of the founder. Under the scheme approved last year by the Lord Chancellor for Ireland, preference has to be given to a particular parish in the selection of pupils for agricultural instruction. This provision could hardly apply to public funds. The Attorney General has consented to bring the scheme again before the Lord Chancellor with a view to see whether it can be modified so as to meet this objection.