§ SIR JOSEPH SAVORY (Westmoreland, Appleby)I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to the case of a child, aged three years, who was scalded to death in the Eton Union Workhouse, on 18th February, through being placed in a bath of boiling water by a girl, aged fifteen years, who herself had been a pauper inmate of the union for five weeks, and was the only attendant in charge; and what steps it is proposed to take to prevent a recurrence of such a fatality.
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. Chaplin, Lincolnshire, Sleaford)My attention has been called to the unfortunate case referred to, and at my request the medical officer has made a report on the subject. I am in communication with the guardians with regard to the matter, and especially as to the steps to be taken to prevent any similar occurrence in future.