HC Deb 12 March 1900 vol 80 c593
MR. MACALEESE (Monaghan, N.)

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney General for Ireland whether the town clerk of Belfast has received 73 claims for compensation for malicious injuries arising out of the late rejoicings in that city over the relief of Ladysmith; and can he state the exact amount of money these claims involve.


The town clerk of Belfast has received 76 claims, amounting to £617 12s. 5d., for compensation for malicious injuries arising out of the recent disturbances in that city, which were participated in, as the hon. Member is aware, not only by a few individuals who belonged to the Protestant party, but also by a Roman Catholic mob. The number of claims made by Roman Catholics, so far as I can ascertain, is 27, amounting to £172 7s. 6d.; by Protestants, 41, amounting to £382 9s. 2d.; and by 8 Jews, amounting to £62 15s. 9d.