HC Deb 29 June 1900 vol 85 cc87-8

Mr. HALSEY reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had discharged the following Members from the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures:—Mr. Victor Cavendish, Captain Bethell, Colonel Milward, Mr. Abel Smith, Mr. A. K. Loyd, Mr. Monckton, Sir Charles Welby, Mr. Grant Lawson, General Russell, Mr. Hedder-wick, Sir Herbert Maxwell, and Mr. Round; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Cohen, Sir Reginald Hanson, Mr. Wolff, Mr. T. W. Russell, Mr. Kemp, Sir Charles Dalrymple, Mr. Ritchie, Sir Edward Hill, Mr. Tennant, Sir Elliott Lees, and Mr. Brodie Hoare.

Mr. HALSEY further reported from the Committee, That they had added to the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, the following fifteen Members in respect of the Companies Bill:—Mr. Bainbridge, Mr. Banbury, Mr. Bond, Mr. Bryce, Mr. Crombie, Mr. Alexander Cross, Mr. Gedge, Mr. Holland, Mr. Marks, Mr. Martin, Mr. Molloy, Mr. Compton Rickett, Mr. Solicitor General, Mr. Lawson Walton, and Mr. Warr.

Mr. HALSEY further reported from the Committee, That they had discharged the following Member from the Standing Committee on Law and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure:—Mr. Brigg (added in respect of the Sunday Closing (Wales) Act (1881) Amendment Bill); and had appointed in substitution: Sir Angus Holden.

Mr. HALSEY further reported from the Committee, That they had added to the Standing Committee on Law, and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure the following fifteen Members in respect of the Elementary Education Bill:—Mr. Attorney General, Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. Evelyn Cecil, Mr. Channing, Mr. Drage, Mr. Flower, Mr. Goddard, Sir John Gorst, Mr. Gray, Mr. Alfred Hutton, Mr. Herbert Lewis, Mr. Middlemore, Mr. James Stuart, Mr. Talbot, and Mr. Yoxall.

Report to lie upon the Table.