HC Deb 28 June 1900 vol 84 c1319
MR. KEARLEY (Devonport)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if he can state what steps the Government intend taking to give effect to the recommendations of the War Funds Committee presided over by Lord Justice Henn Collins; whether an independent actuarial valuation of the various funds administered by the Patriotic Commissioners is contemplated in order that the surpluses may be made available for the necessities of the present war; whether the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee will be presented to this House; and whether the Government will afford an opportunity for the discussion of the Report before the close of the session.


I believe that the main recommendation of the War Funds Committee, to which all the others are subsidiary, is the constitution of a central council, consisting of the representatives of the central and local relief Committees, who should organise a uniform system of administration to be carried out by local committees. The War Funds Committee consider that such a council would be best organised with the advice and assistance of the local committees, And the subject is now engaging attention. The Government will await the proposals which may be submitted before deciding on the course which they will take. I am not aware of any ground for questioning the accuracy of the periodical valuations of the funds administered by the Patriotic Commissioners. The minutes of evidence and the appendices to the Report of the Committee will be presented to the House. The last question of the hon. Member. I have already answered.