HC Deb 25 June 1900 vol 84 cc886-8

Order for Third Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read the third time."


I rise to move that this Bill be read a third time this day three months. In doing so I wish to disclaim any hostility either to the Bill or to the promoters. But I wish to bring before the promoters a question of very considerable importance—namely, the necessity for the establishment of a ferry between Bootle, on the Lancashire side of the Mersey, and New Brighton, on the Cheshire side. Let me first, however, express my gratitude to the promoters of the Bill for their courtesy in putting it back until this day to meet my personal convenience. At the same time may I say that, if I am forced to take this motion to a division, it will be the fault of the promoters, as I shall be satisfied if only they will give me a small crumb of comfort by promising to encourage the construction of this ferry. This Mersey Docks and Harbour Board is, no doubt, an important representative body, but I am afraid I must endorse the criticism published in a critical journal in Liverpool—the Porcupine—which charges it with traditional obstinacy. I am in a position to show that it has displayed obstinacy in this particular matter, for it has had it before it for no less a period than twenty years, and has continually thrust it on one side. Now that it is seeking borrowing powers I propose, with the permission of the House, to show how it may usefully apply some of the money-it proposes to raise. Bootle has a corporation; it has a representative in this House; it has a population of 54,000.


Order, order! I do not quite see what the question of a ferry between Bootle and New Brighton has to do with the Bill.


The Mersey Docks and Harbour Board seek borrowing powers in the Bill, and I desire to point out that in the interest of Bootle some of the money should be used in establishing this ferry.


Yes; but they are not borrowing money for the purpose of making a ferry.


No, for general purposes.


I do not think it is open to the hon. Member to discuss the question whether or not they should establish a ferry between Bootle and New Brighton.


Under the powers they already possess the Board have power to borrow money for the improvement of their undertaking, and as they are now asking power to borrow I wish to point out how the money can best be applied. Perhaps you will allow me to make my statement.


I am sorry to interrupt the hon. Member, but I must point out that, unless he can show that the ferry question is in some way raised by the Bill, it is not open to discussion. From what he has said I do not gather that it is.


They seek to borrow money for the purposes of the Dock Estate, and that surely would include the establishment of a ferry.


Does the hon. Member say that any section in existing Acts empowers the Board to establish a ferry?


I take it that they have power to establish a ferry if they so desire, or to carry out any other improvement.

MR. CHARLES McARTHUR (Liverpool, Exchange)

I rise to a point of order. The Board has no powers and no kind of authority to establish a ferry between Bootle and New Brighton.


Then the hon. Member will not be in order in discussing the question.


I may say that the public body on the other side of the river are willing to put the ferry there if they can only get the permission of the Dock Board.


The matter cannot be discussed upon this Bill.


I daresay I shall find an opportunity of raising it on a future occasion.

Question put, and agreed to.

Bill read the third time and passed, with Amendments.