HC Deb 21 June 1900 vol 84 c619
SIR J. FERGUSSON (Manchester, N.E.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether commanding officers of units serving in South Africa have been asked to recommend for commissions two non-commissioned officers from each battalion who shall be not over twenty-five years of age and unmarried; and whether, seeing that these conditions may debar non-commissioned officers otherwise meritorious, including some who have commanded companies in action and have been mentioned in despatches for distinguished service, they may not be made subject to exceptions, and commissions be granted in special cases at least with a view to departmental employment.


We know nothing of any such instructions. Lord Roberts was asked to recommend for commissions a few non-commissioned officers who had performed good and meritorious service as apart from distinguished service in the field; these were to be under thirty years of age and unmarried. No restrictions are imposed on recommendations for distinguished service in the field.