HC Deb 23 July 1900 vol 86 cc862-3

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty can he say what officer, or officers, and what men have been in charge of H.M.S. "Raleigh" and of the other three ships of the sailing training squadron since this squadron was put out of commission and laid up on 31st October, 1899; have any officers and men lived on board the ships since that date, and, if so, how many on board each ship; are these ships now in sufficiently good condition to enable them to be fitted out again for sea; what other ships besides these four would be available for use as a sailing training squadron; and is it proposed to build any more ships that would be so available; and, if so, when is it expected that these latter will be ready for use.


It is not possible to give all the information asked for by the hon. Gentleman within the limits of an answer to a Parliamentary question. Generally speaking, the ships forming the recent training squadron have been in the hands of care and maintenance parties at the ports since they were put out of commission last year. Of these a limited number live on board when necessary. The "Cleopatra" is about to replace the "Curaçoa" as a sea-going training ship for boys. The "Raleigh" is fit for service at sea. The "Volage" would need a thorough refit before being commissioned for sea service, and the "Champion" a refit of less extent. The following ships are available for service, but they would require extensive repairs, and re-boilering at once or after a short period:—"Calypso," "Active," "Cordelia," and "Curaçoa." With reference to the last question of the hon. Member, the hon. Gentleman knows the shipbuilding programme for this year, and I am not prepared to anticipate next year's programme.