HC Deb 19 July 1900 vol 86 c458
MR. FLAVIN (Kerry, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether he can state if Private P. Walsh, 1st Regiment Munster Fusiliers, who is reported in despatches from Cape Town on Thursday last as having been wounded, is the same Private Walsh who was stated recently to have enlisted when under sixteen years of age; whether he has yet attained that age; and whether, in the event of his having been wounded, he will be sent home by the first available ship, and discharged from the Army with an adequate pension to assist in the support of his mother.


The Private Walsh is the soldier referred to by the hon. Member in his question of the 4th inst. The question of invaliding depends on the severity of the wound. Should his wound lead to his discharge, the amount of his pension will be decided in accordance with regulations by the Chelsea Hospital Commissioners.


Then this is the boy. Will he be sent homo by the first available ship?


I have answered that question.