§ * SIR J. COLOMB (Great Yarmouth)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the Admiralty know the names of the officer, non-commissioned officers, and men who formed the guard at our Legation at Peking, and if so, whether he will notify them to the press, and if the Admiralty have not ascertained the names will he take steps to do so.
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Mr. MACARTNEY,) Antrim, S.The names of the officers attached to the guard of Royal Marines at Peking are:— Captain Lewis S. T. Halliday, H.M.S. "Orlando": Captain Bernard M. Strouts and Captain Edmund Wray, H.M.S. "Centurion," for service at Wei-hai-wei. The relatives have been informed, but the names were not sent to the press. The names of the non-commissioned officers and men are not known. If any certain news is received of the fate of the Peking Legations the Commander-in-Chief may be depended upon to inform the Admiralty by telegraph, but while it is uncertain he naturally does not do so.
§ * SIR J. COLOMBWill the Admiralty take stops to ascertain the names?
§ MR. MACARTNEYIt is not necessary. The Commander-in-Chief will take the earliest possible steps to communicate the names.
§ * SIR J. COLOMBI suppose the hon. Gentleman knows that there is great anxiety?
§ MR. MACARTNEYYes, Sir; and the Admiralty will take immediate steps to relieve that anxiety. As soon as the 455 Commander-in-Chief has trustworthy news he will, of course, communicate it.