HC Deb 19 July 1900 vol 86 c472
MR. WOODS (Essex, Walthamstow)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether, in view of the amount of overtime performed by the staff at the Central Telegraph Office, London, the Postmaster General is considering the advisability of increasing the number of operators; whether it is intended that such increase should be effected by the addition of unestablished telegraphists at lower wages than the ordinary clerks receive; and, whether the Postmaster General will take steps to provide that all new telegraphists shall be placed in a position with reference to pay and other rights similar to that of the present established staff of the London office.


The Postmaster General is considering the advisability of adding to the staff in the Central Telegraph Office in order to reduce overtime, but it is not intended that unestablished telegraphists should be employed for that purpose. Officers appointed to the established class of telegraphists will receive the pay and privileges proper to that class.