HC Deb 19 July 1900 vol 86 c464

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that, although the Island of Jamaica is now in direct telegraphic communication with the British Empire through British cables by Turks Island, Bermuda, and Halifax (Nova Scotia), no steps have yet been taken to establish a direct communication between Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands, and that the cables connecting Jamaica with the fortified coaling station of St. Lucia and the Islands of Barbados, St. Vincent, and Trinadad, and the other West Indian Islands, as well as the mainland of British Guiana, all touch foreign soil at one or more points; whether he is aware that British Honduras is also dependent upon foreign cables, and that if a colonist in British Honduras wishes to telegraph to the United States or England he has to take a journey into the neighbouring Republics of Guatemala or Spanish Honduras in order to do so; whether the Colonial Office have these matters under consideration; and whether he can hold out any hope of being able to deal speedily with these grievances.


The facts are as stated. The points raised in the hon. Member's question have been carefully considered, and will not be lost sight of. Considerable expenditure would be involved, and I cannot promise any immediate action in the matter.