HC Deb 17 July 1900 vol 86 cc232-3
MR. TALBOT (Oxford University)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the proceedings of the Willesden Board of Guardians on the 20th June last, during which it appears that the guardians made no appointment of a chaplain for Rockhall and Rochford House, but, instead, made arrangements with the ministers of various denominato give religious instruction to the children under their charge in those establishments; whether the whole of these children are entered on the creed register as belonging to the Church of England; and, if so, whether this arrangement is in accordance with the regulation which requires that children in poor-law establishments should be brought up in the faith of their parents; and whether he proposes to take any action to remedy this state of things.


I have made inquiry on this subject, and I am informed that owing to the temporary nature of the institutions referred to and also to the small number of inmates, the guardians were of opinion that the appointment of a chaplain is not requisite, but that arrangements could be made for voluntary religious instruction being given to the inmates. The clerk states that in preparing a rota of ministers he has taken into consideration the fact that the majority of the inmates are described as Church of England, and that he has accordingly arranged with the vicar of the parish for the attendance at the two institutions of a minister of the Church of England at least once in each week. Rochford House only is provided as a home for children, and the regulations which the guardians have drawn up provide that the children shall attend divine service every Sunday at such places of worship in the neighbourhood as may be in conformity with the religious persuasion of the children. They also provide that no child under the age of twelve shall be permitted to receive religious instruction at variance with the creed under which he is registered in the creed register.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take care that this temporary arrangement is not made permanent?


I will make it my business to use my influence to prevent that.