HC Deb 12 July 1900 vol 85 cc1317-8

I bog to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether the New Code of Railway Bye-laws, which was submitted to the Board upwards of two years ago, and remitted to the Railway Companies with certain modifications and suggestions, has again been submitted to the Board for confirmation; and, if not, will he state the general tenour of the replies given by the railway companies to the Board's repeated requests for the adoption of a satisfactory Code of Railway Bye-laws.


No, Sir; the revised bye-laws have not yet been submitted. When the Board of Trade receive them the Department will act on a suggestion which has been made that a conference should take place between the railway companies and those —notably the London County Council— who have criticised the proposed bye-laws. The hon. Member is, no doubt, aware that the Board of Trade cannot themselves propound bye-laws—they merely confirm such bye-laws proposed by the companies as, in their judgment, merit approval.