§ MR. WILLIAM JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he has received a sworn statement from Downpatrick supporting the allegations made, in the letter of the Deputy District Master of Lecale, concerning the action of the police on the 5th June; and what action is proposed to be taken to ascertain the circumstances of the case.
§ MR. G. W. BALFOURI have received the document referred to in the first paragraph. It has been brought under the notice of the Constabulary authorities, who adhere to the accuracy of the statement already made by me that the Orangemen have not been in the habit of returning through Irish Street. I may mention that the county inspector convened a meeting of the magistrates to discuss the propriety of allowing processionists to march through the street in question, and they are unanimously of opinion that permission should not be given. I have already stated that prosecutions are pending against a number of persons for assaults on the police arising out of the disturbances in Downpatrick on the 5th June, and that all the facts will doubtless be fully investigated by the magistrates.
§ *MR. T. D. SULLIVANWho and what is the Deputy District Master of Lecale? Is it an official title?
§ [No answer was given.]