HC Deb 05 July 1900 vol 85 c613

Sir LEWIS MCIVER reported from the Committee on Group 8 of Railway Bills, That the parties opposing the Motherwell and Bellshill Railway Bill had stated that the evidence of James Dunlop, engineer, Motherwell, Robert Park, builder, Motherwell, and Archibald King, works manager, Motherwell, was essential to their case; and, it having been proved that their attendance could not be pro-cured without the intervention of the House, he had been instructed to move that the said James Dunlop, Robert Park, and Archibald King do attend the said Committee To-morrow, at half-past Eleven of the clock.

Ordered, That James Dunlop, Robert Park, and Archibald King do attend the Committee on Group 8 of Railway Bills To-morrow, at half-past Eleven of the clock.