§ That they have agreed to—Colonial Solicitors Bill, without amendment.
416§ That they have agreed to—Coal Mines (Prohibition of Child Labour Underground) Bill, changed to Mines (Prohibition of Child Labour Underground) Bill, with Amendments.
§ That they have passed a Bill intituled, "An Act to check Corruption." Prevention of Corruption Bill [Lords].
§ Also a Bill intituled, "An Act to amend the Volunteer Act, 1863." Volunteers Bill [Lords].
§ Also a Bill intituled, "An Act to. amend the Military Lands Act, 1892." Military Lands Bill [Lords].
§ Queen Anne's Bounty Board.—That they have appointed a Committee consisting of Five Lords to join with a Committee of the Commons (pursuant to Message of this House) to consider the constitution of Queen Anne's Bounty Board, and to report whether economy and efficiency of administration would be promoted by any change in its constitution or by its amalgamation with any other body.