HC Deb 03 July 1900 vol 85 c411
MR. FLAVIN (Kerry, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can give the number of originating notices served by tenants to have judicial rents fixed before the Sub-Land Commission at Listowel; whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists in North Kerry owing to the delays caused to tenants by the fact of their applications to have fair rents fixed being delayed for such long periods; and whether he can say when the next sitting of the Sub-Land Commission at Listowel will be held.


There are 115 cases from the union of Listowel, in which the applications to fix fair rents have not as yet been listed for hearing before a Sub-Commission. Apart from the statement in the question, I am not aware that dissatisfaction of the nature indicated exists in the district referred to. Sittings of Sub-Commissions have been held for the disposal of cases from that district as frequently as has been found possible, having regard to the claims of other districts. It is probable that a list containing the majority of the 115 eases now outstanding will be issued towards the close of the present year, but no definite arrangements have as yet been made.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the real cause of the dissatisfaction is that the orginating notices were served so long ago as three years last March?

[No answer was given.]