HC Deb 02 July 1900 vol 85 c262
MR. HERBERT ROBERTS (Denbighshire, W.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, with regard to the Yang-tsze Provinces, the Consuls have signed a declaration undertaking not to interfere so long as order is maintained by the Viceroys in those regions; and if so, whether this declaration has been ratified by the representatives of the Powers at Peking; and whether in view of the present state of affairs in China, he will state what steps are contemplated for the protection of British life and property in these provinces.


The Consuls have been in communication with the Viceroys, who are quite aware that support will be given them by Her Majesty's Government in preserving order. It is obviously impossible that the representatives of the Powers at Peking should be consulted, as no communications are passing with them. The senior naval officer at Woosung has full discretion to act where necessary.