HC Deb 02 July 1900 vol 85 cc270-1
MR. HEDDERWICK (Wick Burghs)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War if he can state in general terms the qualifications required for election to the Chelsea Hospital, and what is the amount of the pension per diem bestowed upon those who are elected; and whether the pensioners are given any of the tobacco confiscated by Her Majesty's Custom House officers; and, if not, whether there is any reason for denying them a share in a luxury that costs the country nothing.


In-pensioners are selected from permanent out-pensioners of excellent character, who have been rendered incapable, through wounds or injuries resulting from Army service, or through other causes, provided they are over fifty-five years of age, or who are required for employment in the hospital. The men are paid according to rank, but on admission they receive, as a rule, 1d. a day, supplemented by 1d. a day out of the private revenues of the hospital; their out-pension ceases. Tobacco is provided out of the private revenues derived from the Drouly legacy. The grant of confiscated tobacco is confined to cases in which the purchase of tobacco would otherwise be defrayed out of moneys voted by Parliament.