§ Address for "Return showing (1) the names of contractors who have been struck off the Government list for misconduct in connection with the sending of stores for the use of Her Majesty's Field Force in South Africa; (2) the names of the officers no longer employed by the Government who passed defective stores for the use of Her Majesty s Field Force in South Africa."—(Mr. Howell.)
§ MR. COHEN () Islington, E.I beg to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he will incorporate in the Return particulars showing (1) the names of individuals and firms who have furnished defective stores for the use of Her Majesty's forces in South Africa: (2) what were the defective stores in question; (3) in what respect they were found to be defective; and (4) the names of the officers who passed the defective stores.
THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY TO THE WAR OFFICE (Mr. J. POWELL-WILLIAMS,) Birmingham, S.The Return applied for by the hon. Member for Den- 1202 bigh has already been passed by the House unopposed. On behalf of the Secretary of State, I consented to the Return in that form. It will include all the information that we could include if it had been made in the form my hon. friend desires.
§ MR. JAMES LOWTHER() Kent, Isle of ThanetMay I ask whether, when the Return is given, it will include the names of any officers or officer whether employed or not? As it stands on the Paper it will only give the names of officers who have ceased to be employed. I want the names of all, employed or not. I also want the Christian names and surnames of the contractors and the names of the directors in the case of companies, and the names of every member of a firm, so as not to allow any persons to escape under the form of a company.
MR. J. POWELL-WILLIAMSThe demand of my right hon. friend is rather extensive. If the Return took the form in which he has applied for it, it would not contain any more information than it will contain in the form in which it is granted. And for this reason. No limited company is concerned at all. There are only two contractors, one named Rennell and one named Brown, and they are private individuals. I do not think anything would be gained by giving the Return in the form asked for by the right hon. Gentleman.
§ MR. JAMES LOWTHERWill the Christian name of Brown be given?