HC Deb 23 February 1900 vol 79 cc927-8
MR. HERBERT ROBERTS () Denbighshire, W.

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether he will give the latest information as to the number of deaths from plague at Bombay; and whether he will state whether any material change has taken place in reference to famine statistics since he last gave the House information as to the serious condition of affairs in the famine-stricken districts in India.


The number of deaths in Bombay City from plague during the week ending February 15th was 583. The number for the corresponding week in the preceding year was 712. As regards the famine, the latest estimate of the area affected is now 445,000 square miles, and that of the population affected sixty-one and a half millions, as against 550,000 square miles and forty-nine millions, which were the figures given by me in answer to a question on the 1st of this month. The number of persons in receipt of relief is now about four millions, as against three millions in the corresponding week of 1897. On the other hand, the relief arrangements are more advanced than they were in 1897. the people are more ready to accept relief, prices are on the whole less high, and the death-rates in the famine districts, so far as yet known, are lower.