HC Deb 22 February 1900 vol 79 cc779-82
MR. SCOTT MONTAGU () Hampshire, New Forest

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether he is aware that a Portuguese company, directed and controlled by British subjects, called the Empreza Africana Company, has been and is still importing and exporting materials for the Transvaal Government at Delagoa Bay; and, whether he will take steps to prevent British subjects from thus, in contravention of the law, directly or indirectly acting in conjunction with the Queen's enemies.


Her Majesty's Government are assured by Sir Donald Currie that the Empreza Africana neither imports nor exports merchandise, but is solely concerned in the carriage of goods between ship and wharf, and that the Empreza Africana has not acted directly or indirectly in conjunction with the enemy.

* MR. GIBSON BOWLES () Lynn Regis

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether some time ago the British Consul at Delagoa Bay warned British firms against giving succour to the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, now in a state of war with Great Britain, by assisting in the shipment of wool the produce of either of those Republics; whether he is aware that such wool is being laden in large quantities at Delagoa Bay by the Empreza Africana Company; whether he is aware that the Empreza Africana Company is an offshoot of the Castle Line Company owned by British capitalists; whether he is aware that the Empreza Africana Company is directed from the office of Mr. Pott, the consul for the Transvaal at Delagoa Bay; and do Her Majesty's Government propose to take any, and, if so, what, steps in the matter.


Such a warning was issued by Her Majesty's Consul. Her Majesty's Government trust that British subjects having interest in the Empreza Africana, which is a Portuguese company will not fail in their duty as declared in Her Majesty's Proclamation of the 27th of December last respecting trading with the enemy. Her Majesty's Government are assured by Sir Donald Currie that the Empreza Company is not directed from the office of Mr. Pott. Her Majesty's Consul at Lorenzo Marques has been instructed to report on the matter.


I beg to ask whether the House is to understand the answer given to the second paragraph of the question to be an admission by the hon. Gentleman that the company named has loaded wool at Delagoa Bay.


My reply was perfectly clear. In answer to the last paragraph, I stated that Her Majesty's Consul at Lorenzo Marques had been instructed to report on the second paragraph and on the whole question.

MR. STUART-WORTLEY () Sheffield, Hallam

I beg to ask the Under Score- tary of State for Foreign Affairs whether there is any reason to believe that contra hand goods find their way into the Transvaal over Portuguese territory otherwise than through Delagoa Bay.


Her Majesty's Government are not aware of the existence of any evidence to show that contraband goods are passing to the Transvaal through Delagoa Bay or other Portuguese territory.


I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government have reason to believe that in respect of contraband of war the Portuguese officers at Delagoa Bay are loyally carrying out the instructions of the Portuguese Government.


General allegations have been made that the local authorities fail to carry out as completely as might be desired the instructions of the Portuguese Government in regard to contraband, but no proof has been produced in support of those allegations.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the salary of the chief Portuguese officer is only £7 a month?

[No answer was given.]


I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on what date did Mr. Pott, consul for the South African Republic at Lorenzo Marques, cease to be agent for the Castle Line Steamship Company or for Donald Currie and Co.: is Mr. Pott still acting as agent for the Portuguese Company known as the Empress Africana: is the Empress Africana active in forwarding into the South African Republic merchandise of various kinds which British subjects are debarred from supplying to the Transvaal: is the Government aware that the capital of the Empress Africana is so largely held by British subjects that the policy and actions of that undertaking are controlled by British subjects; are such British subjects or any of them known; and can their action in this matter be in any way restrained.


Her Majesty's Government are assured by the hon. Member for West Perthshire that Mr. Pott is not agent either for the Castle Line or for Messrs. Donald Currie and Company, and that he is not acting as agent of the Empress Africana. The hon. Member for West Perthshire also assures Her Majesty's Government that the Empress Africana is not, so far as he knows, doing anything contrary to Her Majesty's proclamation; and that the policy of the company is so far controlled by British subjects that its management has been withdrawn from any possible influence inimical to British interests. Her Majesty's consul at Lorenzo Marques has been instructed to report any deviation from these assurances.


Cannot the right hon. Gentleman answer the specific question as to when Mr. Pott ceased to hold office?


I cannot give the date.


Was it subsequent to the date of the last question asked on the subject?

[No answer was given.]


Perhaps the hon. Baronet the Member for West Perthshire can toll us?

SIR DONALD CURRIE () Perthshire, W.

rose to reply.


Order, order! It is not in order to ask a question of a non-Ministerial Member in this way.