HC Deb 19 February 1900 vol 79 c391

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if he will state what arrangements have been finally concluded between Her Majesty's Government, the Government of India, and the University of London for taking over the Imperial Institute buildings, specifying the apportionment of accommodation in each case and the responsibility undertaken by them for maintaining the structure; and whether he will place upon the Table of the House copies of correspondence regarding the final arrangements made for the future working of the Imperial Institute.


The Government has taken over the entire building, and will be responsible for external repairs, lighting, and rates. The Indian Government will occupy without rent. (1) Part of the basement at the east end of the main block. (2) The Avebai Bhownagree corridor and certain other ' rooms and passages in the Eastern Annexe. (3) It will have the use, conjointly with the University of London and the Institute, of the Cowasjee Jehanghir Hall, at dates to be arranged between the parties. (4) As regards the exhibition galleries, it will make its own arrangements with the Institute as heretofore. The Institute will occupy, rent tree, the western part of the main block, with many of the galleries. It will have the use, conjointly with the University, of the Great Hall, and, conjointly with the University and the Government of India, of the Cowasjee Jehanghir Hall, at dates to be arranged between the parties. With the above exceptions the building will be occupied, rent free, by the University of London, under an arrangement which will permit of examinations of candidates for the Civil Service being occasionally held there. I am not aware of any correspondence on the subject of the future conduct of the Imperial Institute.