HC Deb 19 February 1900 vol 79 c389
MR. TULLY () Leitrim, S.

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state the cause of the delay in issuing a Provisional Order in connection with the inquiry under the Labourers Act in Boyle Union; and whether their inspector has explained why he allowed certain occupiers to give verbal consents for sites for cottages, and neglected to have these undertakings perfected in legal manner.


As regards the first paragraph, there has been no delay in dealing with the matter. The Boyle (No. 1) District Council asked the Local Government Board to disregard some of the inspector's recommendations and the correspondence which arose in consequence only terminated on the 19th January. With reference to the second paragraph, the inspector, in order to meet the convenience of occupiers of land, recommended in two instances that the alternative sites offered by them should be accepted, subject to the consents of all the persons interested being obtained. As it would obviously be impossible for the inspector to procure these consents during the inquiry, the district council, following the usual practice, were requested to procure them.