HC Deb 13 February 1900 vol 78 c1361

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Her Majesty's Government have received any intimation of the concurrence of foreign Powers with the notice issued by Sir Alfred Milner on 26th January, 1900, pledging Her Majesty's Government to refuse to recognise, and to treat as invalid, confiscations of gold mines in the Transvaal owned by British or other subjects, whether carried out by the executive or under colour of legislation; if so, does this concurrence extend to cases in which the confiscated gold mine has been, after confiscation according to the terms of law, sold by the Transvaal Government to subjects of the foreign Powers in question; and will he lay upon the Table of this House the correspondence which has passed relative to this subject.


No such intimation has been received, nor has there been any correspondence with foreign Powers.