HC Deb 12 February 1900 vol 78 c1227
MR. GALLOWAY (Manchester, S.W.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether allotment pay to the wife of a soldier on active service is paid monthly in advance; whether, in the event of the man being killed in action or dying from disease, the War Office reclaim the proportion of the amount overpaid from the date of his death; and whether in some cases demands have been made by the War Office authorities for payment in cash of the amount claimed instead of the amount being debited to the man's non-effective account.


Allotment pay to a soldier's wife is paid monthly in advance, and if the soldier dies during the month the pay for the days after his death is not reclaimed otherwise than as a charge against his non-effective account; if an individual paymaster has acted as stated in the question he has made a mistake; if the hon. Member will give me the particulars of any case that has come under his notice, I shall be happy to make inquiries.