HC Deb 12 February 1900 vol 78 c1199

"To empower the Corporation of the City of London to acquire and maintain Finsbury Circus Gardens as an open space, and to acquire Spitalfields Market, with power to maintain or sell or lease the same; to purchase lands for various purposes, and to adopt and apply the Baths and Washhouses Acts; to establish a Crematorium at Ilford Cemetery; to make further and better accommodation for the laying of pipes, wires, and other apparatus in, over, or under streets; to confer further powers upon the Corporation with respect to the control of streets and structures across streets and the fixing of apparatus for public lighting in streetss; to make further provisions for the health and good government of the City and of the open spaces therein; to enable persons elected to Corporate Offices in the City to retire therefrom; to empower the Corporation to borrow money; and for other purposes," read the first time; to be read a second time.