HC Deb 09 February 1900 vol 78 c1048
MR. HAMMOND (Carlow)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the Carlow Militia, a battalion of the King's Royal Rifles recently embodied, is now stationed in Templemore; that prior to their departure from Carlow last month, the men of this corps were informed that in their absence their families would be entitled to a separation allowance on the scale of 10d. per week for a wife, and 2d. per week for each child; and as the families of many of these men have been placed in a position of distress and destitution owing to the absence of their breadwinners and to the non-payment of the promised allowance, if he would have the goodness to inquire into the matter, and endeavour to arrange that these people shall be relieved by the regular weekly payment to them of the allowance to which they would appear to be entitled.


The rates of the allowances referred to are daily rates and not weekly rates, as stated in the question. Separation allowances are payable monthly in advance. A telegram has been sent to Ireland on the subject of the hon. Member's question, and if any mistake has been made, it will be set right at once. I may add that the rate of separation allowance for the wife is not 10d. a week, but 13d. a day.