HC Deb 01 February 1900 vol 78 cc268-9
SIR J. LENG (Dundee)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War what sums are at the disposal of the administrators of the Patriotic Fund and the Imperial War Fund for the benefit of soldiers' wives and families and widows and orphans; is any assistance from them extended to dependents of soldiers other than widows and orphans; what is the usual allowance made from these funds to the widow of a soldier killed in action; is anything extra given on account of children; and, if so, how much for each child; upon what principle are the grants made, and are annuities given for life, or do the grants terminate at the expiry of a certain period; is an equal sum given in all cases, or do the Commissioners inquire into the circumstances of each case and determine their grants accordingly; and are any precautions taken to prevent the overlapping of the various national, local, newspaper, and other benevolent war funds now in operation.


The statements asked for in the first five paragraphs of the question are too long to be given in answer to a question, but I shall be happy to give a return if it is desired. The War Office, in conjunction with the Lord Mayor, has done its best to prevent over lapping of the various funds.