HC Deb 15 December 1900 vol 88 cc878-9
MR. PIRIE (Aberdeen, N.)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether the £2,000 already voted for the Aberdeen Post Office are still available or if the money has been devoted to some other purpose, and, if so, what purpose; and whether he will state, seeing that all preliminary arrangements are complete, why the building cannot commence in the spring of next year.

THE FIRST COMMISSIONER of WORKS (Mr. Akers Douglas,) Kent, St. Augustine's

Of course, I cannot answer this question, seeing it requires communication with Edinburgh, and it only reached me a few minutes ago. But I will send a reply to the hon. Member. Any money voted for a service for a given year is available up to the end of March, and if not then expended must be re-voted in the next year. With regard to the second part of the question, referring to the delay in the erection of these buildings, I may point out that the municipal authorities of Aberdeen desired the creation of a street which involved a change of site, and entirely new plans had consequently to be prepared.


The plans are not new entirely.


I have carefully looked into the matter, and am prepared to say that my facts are correct.