HC Deb 14 December 1900 vol 88 cc850-1
MR. ARTHUR WILSON (Yorkshire, E.R., Holderness)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, having regard to the motor car accidents that have taken place, Her Majesty's Government will take steps to provide for the safety of the public by framing regulations to ensure that all drivers of motor cars shall submit to a test and hold a certificate as competent drivers.


Various suggestions have been made to the Local Government Board for the alteration of the regulations with regard to motor cars, both by the local authorities on the one hand and by those interested in the use of these vehicles on the other. These suggestions will receive my consideration but I am afraid that I cannot give any promise in the direction desired by my hon. friend.


Is it not the fact that regulations are enforced in France?


Order, order ! That does not arise out of the question.