HC Deb 13 December 1900 vol 88 cc703-4

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether 119 constables presented themselves for examination under the P. and other systems last month; and is he aware that although candidates are entirely satisfied with the fairness of the Civil Service portion of the examination, there is an apprehension that the examination in professional subjects by a board of selected officers leaves room for personal bias; could the methods of the Civil Service Commissioners be introduced to govern the entire examination; how long do the board of officers take to make up their judgments; and is each district inspector allowed 15s. extra per night while the work goes on, and how often is the county inspector, who presides, changed; and would the Government consider the desirability of having an entirely fresh board for each examina- tion, so that candidates might feel confident that the individual view of any officer should not be a permanent bar to his promotion, or that the board would not reflect the views of those who selected them as to any particular candidate.


The number of constables who underwent examination last month was 114. No representations have been made to me of the nature mentioned in the second part of the first paragraph. In reply to the second paragraph, the examination of candidates in professional subjects must necessarily be conducted by police experts, and could not be entrusted to the Civil Service Commissioners. The last Promotion Board met on the 9th ult., and made its Report on the 26th ult. District inspectors appointed to this Board receive an allowance at the rate stated. The Board, consisting of five officers, is differently constituted, so far as possible, from year to year. On the occasion of the last two examinations the same county inspector presided, and one other member served twice in succession.


Will the right hon. Gentleman guarantee that the same officers shall not be appointed to the Board year after year?


I think my answers show that the Board is freshly constituted yearly as far as reasonably can be done.