HC Deb 07 August 1900 vol 87 cc963-4

said he thought he ought to give some explanation with regard to this matter. The only variations from the existing contract were on three points. The House was aware that the services between this country and the east and west coasts of South America were carried on by alternate services —by the Royal Mail Steamship Company from Southampton and the Steam Navigation Company from Liverpool. The only alteration so far as the places to be visited were concerned was that these steamers would call once a month at the Falkland Islands, and there would be a return service from the Falkland Islands to Liverpool; and on the west coast of America there would be a new service from Panama to places in Mexico. An important alteration had been introduced into the system of payment. We had hitherto paid by weight, but in future under this ten years contract we should pay a lump sum. He thought that was decidedly advantageous, because there was no doubt whatever that the traffic along these coasts would grow considerably during the next ten years, and whatever the growth might be we should only pay in the future £30,000 a year, £2,500 of the £32,500 being paid by the Falkland Islands. The payment by weight came to £25,000, so that even upon the present service these important services would only amount to £5,000 more.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the contract dated the 1st day of June, 1900, entered into with the Pacific Steam Navigation Company for the conveyance of mails between Liverpool and South and Central America and the Falkland Islands be approved."—(MR. Hanbury.)


did not propose to go into the merits. He rose to protest against this contract being brought forward upon the last day of the session. He pointed out that the contract was entered into on June 1st, and under those circumstances he thought it ought to have been brought forward earlier.


explained that that date was put on in order that there might be no hiatus between the old contract and this. This contract was only signed on the 1st of August.


said it was impossible to consider a contract of this nature at this time. He hoped in future these contracts would be brought in at a much earlier stage of the session. He could not allow this to pass without a protest.

In pursuance of the Order of the House of the 16th day of July last, MR. Speaker adjourned the House without Question put.

Adjourned accordingly at ten minutes before Six of the clock