HC Deb 07 August 1900 vol 87 c941
MR. FLAVIN (Kerry, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that MR. Warden, of Sneem, county Kerry, has served a writ on a tenant named Patrick Sullivan, Kealariddig, for £54 3s. 2d., and that the amount of the writ is calculated on the old rent of £18 per year, including old arrears, although the judicial rent is only £14 per year; whether he is aware that Patrick Sullivan was proceeded against a short time since before the county court judge of Kerry, by whom an order was made that Patrick Sullivan should pay the amount of the process by instalments; and whether, seeing that Patrick Sullivan has since punctually complied with the order of the Court by payment of the instalments, ho will state what stops the Government will take to prevent MR. Warden from executing under the writ for the recovery of money which is already being paid by order of the county court judge by instalments.


The facts are as stated in the first paragraph, but the judicial rent was only fixed this year. I have no information as to the second paragraph, and, as regards the third paragraph, the Government have no power to take any action such as suggested. I may, however, inform the hon. Member that the amount of the writ has been paid in full.