§ SIR J. FERGUSSONI beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether the medical officer of the Duke of York's School has been re-appointed at the expiration of his term of appointment, and whether ho has been recommended for such extension by the Director General of the Army Medical Department and the Commandant of the Duke of York's School.
§ MR. WYNDHAMThe medical officer of the Duke of York's School was re-appointed in May, 1899. The recommendation for such extension was made by the Commander-in-Chief after a special inquiry into this officer's efficiency.—In answer to a further question the hon. Gentleman said he would not be justified in going into the facts upon what the Commander-in-Chief made his recommendation, but he did appoint a special inquiry to ascertain whether the medical officer was efficient or not, and the conclusion arrived at by those charged with the duty was that he was perfectly efficient.
§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILLWas it referred to the Board of Patronage of which we have heard so much?
§ [No answer was given.]