HC Deb 06 August 1900 vol 87 cc781-2

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he will reconsider his decision not to grant a Return of the running powers of each railway company of the United Kingdom over the lines of other companies, and of the working arrangements between the several railways, in similar form to the summaries in the Book of Railway Junction Diagrams, formerly published by Mr. J. Airey, of the Railway Clearing House; whether he is aware that, prior to the taking over by the Railway Clearing House of Mr. Airey's copyrights, such information was accessible to traders and the public; and whether the Board of Trade have in their possession the materials for making such a Return, or whether they are dependent upon the goodwill of the railway companies or the Railway Clearing House for the necessary information; whether he can state the grounds on which the railway companies and Railway Clearing House base their refusal to furnish the requisite information; and whether, seeing that it has been represented to him that such information is under certain conditions of importance to traders, he will, in case of the persistence of the railway companies to refuse to traders and the public particulars as to the powers conferred upon them by Parliament, in the interest of the public, take further steps with the object of obtaining for the public the information sought for by the Motion.


I am aware that the information desired was formerly accessible to traders and the public, but the Board of Trade are information by the companies that a statement of statutory running powers possessed by them at any given date could not be permanently relied upon for accurate information, inasmuch as many of the powers so possessed are not exercised, while some are exercised but partially, and others only intermittently, according to varying requirements. The Return which my hon. friend asks for would therefore be obviously misleading, and it appears to me that the better course is to adopt a sug- gestion made by the companies, which is, that traders desiring information on the subject of running powers should apply to the railway company in question for such information. If it is found that the railway companies do not furnish information when requested to do so by persons interested, I will, of course, be happy to give further consideration to the matter.


Does the answer imply that the Board of Trade will give the information?


If the traders, on applying to the company, fail to get the information, then I will give the matter attention.


Then the Board of Trade have not the information?


No, Sir.