HC Deb 06 August 1900 vol 87 cc787-8

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney General for Ireland whether complaints were made to the police, or reports made by the local police or any of them to the authorities, to the effect that the man Smith, since convicted of the murder of the Rev. Mr. Hudson, was in possession of arms and a danger to the public safety; did Constable Langrille, of the Clarina Petty Sessions District, make such a report in the autumn or early winter of last year; and is he aware that Langrille so stated at the trial of Smith; can he say what steps, if any, were taken to control the man Smith, and, if none were taken, can ho explain on what grounds, and if such reports were received by the authorities; and can he state whether such reports have since been mislaid, and if it is the intention of the Government, in consequence of the local feeling occasioned by this murder, to hold an inquiry into the conduct of the police authorities immediately responsible for the peace of the district.


No complaints were made to the police, and no reports were made by them of the character mentioned in the first paragraph. Constable Langrille stated at the trial that he had made inquiries respecting the discharge by Smith of a firearm in the yard attached to his house in September last, rather incautiously, and that he reported that Smith was duly licensed to keep arms. Neither the constable nor any other person reported that the possession of arms by Smith was a danger to the public safety. No stops were taken by the police to control Smith. The discharge by him of a firearm in September of last year was not considered a sufficient reason for recommending the withdrawal of his arms, licence. The reports made by the police respecting this incident, which were not of a formal character, were not mislaid. They were not furnished to headquarters, and were destroyed with other documents, by the local police as being of no value. It is not the intention of the Government to hold an inquiry, as suggested in the last paragraph of the question.


If this man Smith had been a Nationalist instead of a supporter of the Government, would he have been allowed the arms?


Order, order!