§ MR. CHANNING (Northamptonshire, E.)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, in determining the amount and incidence of any indemnity to be obtained from the Transvaal, regard will be had to the indemnity admittedly due to the Transvaal Government in respect of the Jameson raid; and what steps will be taken to determine the amount equitably due to the Transvaal Government by the Chartered Company in respect of the raid, and to obtain such amount from the Chartered Company, and to include this amount in the assets of the Transvaal out of which any indemnity is to be paid.
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR,) Manchester, E.It does not seem that the question of the indemnity due to the Transvaal in respect of the raid has any connection with the indemnity to be obtained from the Transvaal for the war. With regard to the second paragraph, I must refer the hon. Gentleman to an answer given by my right hon. friend the Colonial Secretary on 15th June last.*
§ MR. CHANNINGAre we to understand that in taking over the Transvaal we are not taking over the assets as well as the liabilities of the Transvaal Government?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI cannot answer any general question of that sort. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will confine himself to the question on the Paper.
§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILLIs the Chartered Company freed from liability?