HC Deb 02 August 1900 vol 87 cc407-8
*THE CHAIRMAN OF WAYS and MEANS (Mr. J. W. LOWTHER,) Cumberland, Penrith

The period of the session has now arrived when it is customary to make alterations in the Standing Orders. I gave notice of these more than a week ago, but I do not think they call for many observations. One of the Amendments it is proposed to insert in Standing Order III.—namely, the words "or compulsory user of the same"—has become necessary in consequence of a Bill having been introduced which proposed to deal with certain lands without acquiring them, by taking the right of user for certain military purposes. It was found that the Bill had been brought in without notice to the individuals whose land it was proposed to use, and at the suggestion of the Standing Orders Committee this Amendment is now proposed. Its effect will be that in similar cases, before scheduling the lands of any individual, due notice will have to be given of the intention to do so. The next Amendment to Standing Order VI. is purely a drafting one; and a further trifling one to insert the words "or newspapers" is intended to give facilities for further publicity, instead of confining the advertisment to one newspaper. There is a new Standing Order proposed providing that a map shall be deposited at the Board of Trade on or before 30th November in the case of Bills for the supply of electrical energy, it being felt that the districts affected should be able to see from the map the extent to which the Bill applies to them. A fresh series of new Standing Orders are also proposed (250 to 257 inclusive) for the purpose of carrying out the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act of last year. Throughout that Act there are many references to certain procedure to take place in this House—the words usually being "subject to Standing Orders if the two Houses of Parliament think fit so to order." These Standing Orders are little more than a repetition of the words of the statute, but they have become necessary in order to enable the various proceedings laid down by the Act to take place. I beg to move the series of Amendments standing on the Paper in my name.

MR. CHANNING (Northamptonshire, E.)

I should like to ask the Chairman of Committees what is to be done with regard to the constitution of the non-Parliamentary panel. I understand it has to lie appointed by the two Chairmen before the 1st January. There is more latitude with regard to the Parliamentary panel.


I have not been in communication very recently with the Secretary for Scotland on this matter, but during the recess I will communicate with him and we can then constitute the non-Parliamentary panel. But, of course, no action will be taken and no members will be selected to sit upon any of these Commissions until the Parliamentary panel has been constituted at the commencement of next session. The Bills will not be ready for the Commissioners until February or March. Under the Act of Parliament the Commissioners are to be selected, in the first place, from the two Parliamentary panels, and it is only in the event of those two bodies being exhausted that the non Parliamentary panel can be drawn upon. I do not think it likely that the services of the non-Parliamentary panel will be often needed.

Amendments to the Standing Orders agreed to.

Ordered, That the said Resolutions, numbered 250 to 257, be Standing Orders of the House.—(The Chairman of Ways and Means.)

Ordered, That the Standing Orders, as amended, be printed. [No. 314.]